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State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Association, Inc.  Est. 1975

New York's Juvenile Officer and School Resource Officers Association

The State of New York Police Juvenile Officers Association is dedicated to provide the highest quality of training for all police officers and professionals in the juvenile justice field.  Training is offered year round and members can request courses to be held in their area.  Click on the links under the training button to get a synopsis of the courses.

Upcoming events

    • 03/10/2025
    • 09:00
    • 03/14/2025
    • 17:00
    • Westchester County Police Academy
    • 21
    Registration is closed

    This course is intended for the new juvenile officer enter the field as a juvenile justice specialist, who will be dealing with juvenile issues within their community.  It will give Officers a basic introduction to dealing with juvenile related issues, as well as an insight into the systems and programs available to officers when dealing with juvenile issues.  It will also give a basic introduction to handling in depth investigations such as child abuse, sexual abuse, and missing persons.  This course is a must for the officer who has been assigned and just entering the juvenile justice field.

    This 5-day, 38-hour SNYPJOA-certified course curriculum will include: role of the juvenile officer, laws and procedures of juvenile custody, laws relating to juveniles and applicable case law, functions of related governmental agencies, juvenile diversion programs, investigative techniques, interview and interrogation skills, interviewing the child victim/witness, child abuse investigations, substance abuse, missing person overview, signs of suicide, and current trends in juvenile crime.

    All instructors are DCJS-IDC certified or experts in the field that they instruct.  This course is coordinated by the SNYPJOA Board of Directors and the Westchester County Policy Academy.

    • 03/10/2025
    • 09:00
    • 03/14/2025
    • 17:00
    • Westchester County Police Academy
    • 25
    Registration is closed

    CRO course will certify an officer as a Community Resource Officer.  Designed along the path of the SRO and has been updated to incorporate part of the "Im Human" project. this course will teach officers ways to assist communities with new direction of police interaction and community policing.  Course topics include:

    Implementing and Promoting the CRO concept

    Community Policing

    "Im Human"

    Guarding the Guardians through effective leadership

    Implicit Bias Training

    De-escalation Techniques

    Understanding Mental Health/Special Needs

    Presentation Skills

    Communication Skills

    Social Media crimes and tools for CRO promotion

    Record Keeping/Activity Reports

    Developing Community Events

    Current Trends in the Communities

    • 08/25/2025
    • 08:30
    • 08/29/2025
    • 17:00
    • Niaraga Falls NY

    2025 Annual Conference

    50th Annual Training Conference is being held at the Niagara Falls Convention Center with hotel accommodations at the Sheraton Hotel. Each training course is 38 hours with a certificate issued with successful completion of the course. 


    Hospitality room open every night Sunday - Thursday night free to all paid attendees, with a Live Auction Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

    HOTEL and FOOD REGISTRATION:  After you register for the conference with the SNYPJOA you will get a confirmation email with a link to the Niagara Falls Convention Center,  With this link you can register for meal package first which will lead to hotel registration after confirmed for your meal package.  

    Courses being offer are:

    Basic Juvenile Police Officers Course

    Basic School Resource Officers Course

    Advanced Juvenile Police Officers Course

    Advanced School Resource Officers Course

    Community Resource Officers Course

    Continuing Education - Workshop Series

1971 Western Avenue, PMB 104                   (518) 456-0704

Albany, NY  12203                 Fax  (518) 456-0561

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